Department of Analytical Chemistry,
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University



""Click Peptide" Based on the "O-Acyl Isopeptide Method": Control of Abeta1-42 Production from a Photo-Triggered Abeta1-42 Analogue."

Atsuhiko Taniguchi, Youhei Sohma, Maiko Kimura, Takuma Okada, Keisuke Ikeda, Yoshio Hayashi, Tooru Kimura, Shun Hirota, Katsumi Matsuzaki, and Yoshiaki Kiso

J. Am. Chem. Soc., 128, 696-697 (2006)

"Measurement of Thermodynamic Parameters for Hydrophobic Mismatch 1-Self-Association of a Transmembrane Helix."

Yoshiaki Yano and Katsumi Matsuzaki

Biochemistry, 45, 3370-3378 (2006)

"Measurement of Thermodynamic Parameters for Hydrophobic Mismatch 2-Intermembrane Transfer of a Transmembrane Helix."

Yoshiaki Yano, Mai Ogura, and Katsumi Matsuzaki

Biochemistry, 45, 3379-3385 (2006)

"Biantennary glycans as well as genetic variants of alpha1-acid glycoprotein control the enantioselectivity and binding affinity of oxybutynin."

Tomoko Kimura, Akimasa Shibukawa, and Katsumi Matsuzaki

Pharm. Res., 23, 1038-1042 (2006)

"Inhibition of the formation of amyloid β-protein fibrils using biocompatible nanogels as artificial chaperones."

Keisuke Ikeda, Takuma Okada, Shin-ichi Sawada, Kazunari Akiyoshi, and Katsumi Matsuzaki

FEBS Lett., 580, 6587-6595 (2006)

1. Antimicrobial Peptides
2. Alzheimer's Disease
3. Membrane Proteins
4. G protein Coupled Receptors
Kyoto University
Department of Pharmaceutical Science