

Generation of new organic molecules is essential to develop new drugs and organic materials. Organic chemists can create novel organic molecules (drug candidates and intelligent materials) and discover unprecedent concepts (new strategies and new reactions) by their hands. We must think over “What molecules do we design?”, “How do we synthesize them?” and “How do we analyze their actions?” Our groups aim to contribute for the life sciences through discovery of new reactions and molecular structures. Our group needs your imagination and action to new frontier.

Main Research Topics

合成しにくそうな分子をつくる Synthesis of unique/complex molecules

新たな分子変換反応を開拓する Development of new synthetic methodologies

生物活性分子を合成する Total synthesis of biologically active natural/unnatural products

ひずみ分子の化学とその向こう側 Beyond the chemistry of strained molecules



〒606-8501 京都市左京区吉田下阿達町46-29

Synthetic Chemistry Laboratory

Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University

46-29 Yoshida-Shimo-Adachi-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan

Copyright © 薬品合成化学分野