Undergraduate Curriculum Policy/Diploma Policy

Curriculum Policy of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Kyoto University
(Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences / Division of Pharmacy)
Bachelor’s Degree Course

  1. The Bachelor’s Degree course aspires to cultivate human resources, who fulfill a leading role in the field of pharmaceutical sciences by providing education in humanities to cultivate a rich intellectual atmosphere with humanity and thereby creating an educational system by streamlining knowledge intrinsic to pharmaceutical sciences and multivariate knowledge in the natural sciences related to pharmaceutical sciences.
  2. The course nurtures advanced education with humanity, provides firm basic knowledge and skills in the natural sciences, and cultivates therapeutic personnel with strong commitment and high-level ethics through a well-balanced academic and liberal arts curriculum.
  3. In the DIvision of Pharmaceutical Sciences, the course provides professional education in pharmaceutical sciences, including the field of drug discovery, life science and pharmacotherapeutics. In the Division of Pharmacy, the course provides not only professional education in pharmaceutical sciences but also education to acquire the professional knowledge, technical skills, and ethical attitudes required of a pharmacist.
  4. The courses aspire to cultivate human resources with issue-discovering and problem-solving ability from a scientific viewpoint to become future pharmaceutical researchers with originality or future leading pharmacists responsible for high-level cutting-edge therapeutic treatment.
  5. The courses further nurture fundamentals from a global perspective; cultivating an understanding of multiculturalism, and nourishing communication skills necessary for promoting and executing leadership roles within and outside of Japan.
  6. The courses effectively cultivate and facilitate mastery of independent study methods and self-orientation towards scientific dialogs in order to instill the ability to be self-motivated in positively addressing issues in an ever-changing global society.


Diploma Policy of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Kyoto University
(Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences / Division of Pharmacy)
Bachelor’s Degree Course

  1. Students are required to enroll for an academic period of 4 years in the course of the Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences and 6 years in the course of the Division of Pharmacy. Both courses are designed with subjects and studies befitting the educational concept and academic objectives of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. A total of 140 or more credits are required in the Pharmaceutical Sciences course, while 194 or more credits are required in the Pharmacy course to receive the Bachelor degree, in addition to course completion with full credit acquirement of the relevant subjects including lectures and practical sessions.
  2. The Bachelor’s Degree course requires students to complete and pass subjects of basic and professional education integrated with special professional perspectives of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, in addition to completing and passing subjects of liberal education in the General Education program of Kyoto University.