
 1939 March:

School of Pharmacy established in the Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University Department of Analytical Chemistry and Department of Synthetic Medical Chemistry established in the School of Pharmacy.

 1940 June: Department of Organic Chemistry established.
 1940 December:

Department of Inorganic Chemistry established.

 1941 April: Department of Pharmacognosy established.
 1941 December: Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences newly added to academic degrees.First graduation ceremony for the School of Pharmacy in the Faculty of Medicine.
 1949 May: Kyoto University reorganized under the new educational system introduced by the National School Establishment Law.
 1951 April: Department of Pharmaceutics established.
 1952 April: Department of Biological Chemistry established.
 1953 April: Division of Pharmacy, Kyoto University Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences established.
1954 April: Center for Organic Elemental Microanalysis established in the Faculty of Medicine.
1960 April: Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Division of Pharmacy) established and the following departments instituted: Analytical Chemistry, Synthetic Medical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutics, Biological Chemistry. (In accordance with establishing Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, the same seven departments in the School of Pharmacy in the Faculty of Medicine were disestablished.)Center for Organic Elemental Microanalysis attached to the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
1961 April: Division of Pharmaceutical Chemistry established.
Department of Medicinal Plant Chemistry established.
1962 April: Department of Chemical Pharmacology and Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering established.
1963 April: Department of Physical Chemistry and Department of Hygienic Chemistry established.
1964 April: Department of Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry established.
1965 April: Division of Pharmaceutical Chemistry in the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences established.
1966 April: Department of Chemical Pharmacology was renamed the Department of Pharmacology, Department of Biological Chemistry renamed Department of Biochemistry.
1973 April: Experimental Station For Medicinal Plants affiliated with the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences established.
1987 May: Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering renamed Department of Microbiology.
1993 April: Master’s program in Pharmaceutical Control Systems (independent division) established in the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Pharmaceutical Informatics (transferred from the Department of Inorganic Chemistry in the Division of Pharmacy), Molecular Pharmacology (new) and Genetic Biochemistry (new) established as core departments; and Patho-Functional Bioanalysis, Drug Delivery  System, Bioorganic Chemistry (Institute for Chemical Research), Biofunctional Chemistry (Institute for Chemical Research), Clinical Pharmacy (Kyoto University Hospital) established as affiliate departments.
1995 April: Doctoral program in Pharmaceutical Control Systems (independent division) established in the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
1997 April: Focused on the Graduate School, Divisions of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Control Systems reorganized into 8 major departments within 3 divisions: Drug Discovery Sciences, Pharmaceutical Life Sciences, Pharmacy and Biomedicinal Sciences.Divison of Pharmacy and Division of Pharmaceutical Chemistry in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences reorganized into one Division of Integrative Pharmaceutical Sciences.
1998 April: Experimental Station For Medicinal Plants affiliated with the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences transferred to the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
1999 April: In accordance with establishment of the Graduate School of Biostudies, Department of Cell Biology and Department of Molecular Neurobiology established.
2002 April: Department of Pharmaceutical Informatics renamed Department of Genomic Drug Discovery Science.
Department of Structural Biology established.
2002 October: Construction of new research building for the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences completed.
2003 April: Endowed chair “Neuroscience for Drug Discovery Research” established.Core Department of Drug Discovery-Medicine Collaborative Pharmaceutical Sciences affiliated with the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences established.
2003 August: Endowed chair “Theoretical Drug Design” established.
2003 September: In accordance with adoption of the 21st Century COE Program, the Department of Life Knowledge Systems established (Period: duration of implementation period for the 21st Century COE Program).
2004 April: Kyoto University becomes a national university corporation under the National University Corporation Act.
2006 April: Division of Integrative Pharmaceutical Sciences in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences reorganized into Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Division of Pharmacy.Center for Integrative Education of Pharmacy Frontier, affiliated with the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, established. (Core Department of Drug Discovery-Medicine Collaborative Pharmaceutical Sciences abolished.)Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Education established.
2007 March: Renovation work on the main building for the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences completed.
2007 April: Division of Bioinformatics and Chemical Genomics established in the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
2007 May: Endowed chair “Nanobio Drug Discovery” established.
2008 October: Endowed chair “Systems Bioscience for Drug Discovery” established.
2009 April: Institute for Innovative NanoBio Drug Discovery and Development established.
2010 April: World-leading Drug Discovery Research Center established.Center for Development of Integrative Education in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences established.
 2012 April: Endowed chair “Pharmceutical Policy and Health Economics” established.
2014  May: Moving Experimental Staion For Medicinal Plants.
2017 March: Construction of Med-Pharm Collaboration building completed.
2021 May: Collaborative Research Courses “Nanobio Drug Discovery” established.
2023 April: Division of Medicinal Frontier Sciences established in the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences.