Philosophy and Objectives of Human Resources Development

Philosophy of the Faculty and Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences


Pharmaceutical sciences, which are an assembly of integrated applied sciences with the objectives of innovating, synthesizing, manufacturing and finding appropriate applications for pharmaceutical agents, comprises various fundamental sciences integrated into one basic interdisciplinary academic field. The objectives of the Faculty and Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences are to construct an innovative center for ‘drug discovery’ and ‘medical care’ through the integration and accumulated knowledge of various academic fields, and thereby to contribute to human health and social development by promoting cutting-edge drug discovery research and pharmaco-therapeutical research.

Educational Philosophy

Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences


The guiding principle of the Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences is to contribute to human health and social development by educating and cultivating human resources capable of playing a leading role in the development of drug discovery research through the study of pharmaceutical sciences.

Objectives of Cultivating Human Resources

Based on bioethics, the Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences aspires to educate and cultivate human resources who have acquired knowledge, technical skills, and scientific attitudes related to various academic fields of the natural sciences that are the foundation of the pharmaceutical sciences and to those fields unique to the pharmaceutical sciences, and who possess the qualities and abilities necessary to play an active role in the innovative field of drug discovery.

Division of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences


The guiding principle of the Division of Pharmacy is to contribute to human health and social development by educating and cultivating human resources capable of playing a leading role in the development of advanced medical care, medical pharmacy and clinical pharmacy through the study of the pharmaceutical sciences.

Objectives of Cultivating Human Resources

Based on bioethics, the Division of Pharmacy aspires to educate and cultivate human resources who have acquired knowledge and technical skills in various academic fields of the natural sciences that are the foundation of the pharmaceutical sciences and in those fields unique to the pharmaceutical sciences, along with appropriate attitudes as medical professionals, and who will become leading pharmacists in the field of highly advanced medical care or professionals who can take an active part in medical pharmacy.


Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences


The guiding principle of the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences is to construct an innovative center for ‘drug discovery’ and ‘medical care’ and to contribute to human health and social development by educating and cultivating drug discovery researchers and professionals who will play a leading role in advanced medical care through study and research in the pharmaceutical sciences.

Objectives of Cultivating Human Resources

Based on bioethics, the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences aspires to educate and cultivate human resources who have acquired knowledge and technical skills in various academic fields of the natural sciences that are the foundation of the pharmaceutical sciences and in those fields unique to the pharmaceutical sciences, along with the attitudes appropriate to researchers or medical professionals, and who will become pharmaceutical researchers who can conduct original research in the field of drug discovery or leading pharmacists in the field of highly advanced medical care.

Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences


The guiding principle of the Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences in the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences is to educate and cultivate human resources capable of playing a leading role in the development of drug discovery sciences research through study and research.

Objectives of Cultivating Human Resources

Based on fundamental sciences related to the pharmaceutical sciences, the Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences in the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences aspires to educate and cultivate human resources who will undertake basic and applied research in the drug discovery sciences and related fields and go on to become pharmaceutical sciences researchers or educators having the qualities and abilities needed to undertake their own original research in the drug discovery sciences through cultivation of knowledge and skills in those and related fields, together with the ability to identify and solve scientific research questions.

Division of Bioinformatics and Chemical Genomics, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences


The guiding principle of the Division of Bioinformatics and Chemical Genomics in the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences is to contribute to human health and social development by educating and cultivating human resources capable of playing a leading role in the development of bioinformatics and chemical genomics research through study and research in the fields of pharmaceutical sciences and informatics.

Objectives of Cultivating Human Resources

The Division of Bioinformatics and Chemical Genomics in the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences aspires to educate and cultivate human resources who will undertake basic and applied research in the fields of bioinformatics and chemical genomics founded on integration of the life sciences, informatics and drug discovery science, and in related fields and go on to become pharmaceutical researchers or educators having the qualities and abilities needed to undertake their own original research in bioinformatics and chemical genomics through the cultivation of knowledge and skills in those and related fields, together with the ability to identify and solve scientific research questions.

Division of Biomedical Sciences, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences


The founding principle of the Division of Pharmacy in the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences is to contribute to human health and social development by educating and cultivating human resources capable of playing a leading role in the development of highly advanced medical pharmacy and clinical pharmacy through study and research in the fields of medical pharmacy and clinical pharmacy.

Objectives of Cultivating Human Resources

Based on bioethics, the Division of Biomedical Sciences in the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences aspires to educate and cultivate human resources having the qualities and abilities pharmacists, researchers or educators need to play central roles in research, education and medical care related to medical pharmacy and clinical pharmacy, and to pioneer highly advanced medical care through cultivation of outstanding specialist and research capabilities in medical pharmacy, clinical pharmacy and related fields.