Pharmaceutical science, an integrated field of study with the objectives of innovating, synthesizing, manufacturing and finding appropriate applications for ‘pharmaceutical agents’ to treat diseases and promote human health via their functional and mediatory effects on physiological processes, comprises various fundamental sciences integrated into one basic multidisciplinary academic field.
The objectives of the Faculty and the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Kyoto University are to construct an unparalleled innovative center for ‘drug discovery’ and ‘medical care’ through the integration and accumulated knowledge of various academic fields, and thereby contribute to human health and social development by promoting cutting-edge drug discovery sciences and pharmacotherapeutical research. With regard to education, the Faculty and the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Kyoto University, on the basis of bioethics, aspire to educate and cultivate human resources who have acquired knowledge and technical skills in various academic fields of the natural sciences that are the foundation of the pharmaceutical sciences and in those fields unique to pharmaceutical sciences, along with the attitudes appropriate to researchers and medical professionals, and who will become pharmaceutical researchers having the qualities and abilities needed to perform their original research in the field of drug discovery or leading pharmacists in the field of highly advanced medicine. Furthermore, in research, the Faculty and the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences pursue the objective of contributing to society by promoting integration of the drug discovery sciences and pharmacotherapeutics, and aspire to leading the world in addressing cutting-edge research issues in the academic fields associated with the pharmaceutical sciences.
In accordance with the aforesaid objectives, the Faculty and the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Kyoto University seek to enroll students who have a keen desire to explore facts based on a commitment to independent original thinking, outstanding scholastic proficiency, versatility and the appropriate ethical mindset to enable them to excel as future medical personnel.