Endowed Chair


Departments Leaders Research Fields Research Profile
Nanobio Drug Discovery


Visiting Professor


Kazuharu SHIMIZU

Tetsuo SUDO

  1. Drug Discovery by using miRNA microarray.
  2. Research esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, (ESCC) for the molecular target.
  3. Development of antibody drugs using tissues and cell lines of ESCC
Visiting Professor


4. Molecular mechanisms and physiological roles of apoptotic and nonapoptotic cell death

5. Physiological and pathological functions of cell death-related molecules

6. Analyses of embryogenesis, tumorigenesis and immune system from the view point of cell death

Drug Discovery & Value Incubation


Associate Professor


Nobuhiro SUZUKI

  1. Evaluation of market potential and value creation for university-developed drug seeds.
  2. Strengthening partnerships between industry, government and academia.
  3. Provide practical training programs in drug discovery and development