With the introduction in FY2006 of a 6-year educational program to develop pharmacists, the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences was restructured into two divisions: the Division of Pharmacy (6-year program) with the objective of educating and cultivating human resources with capabilities for advanced medical care, and the Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences (4-year program) with the objective of educating and cultivating human resources who will advance into the field of drug discovery and development and related fields. In line with this restructuring, in FY2010 the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences reorganized the Division of Physical and Organic Chemistry, the Division of Life Sciences and the Division of Pharmacy and Biomedicinal Sciences into the Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences for graduates of the 4-year program of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Through these rearrangements, the Faculty and the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences seeks to educate and cultivate human resources who can conduct cross-sectoral research in various academic fields of the natural sciences that underlie the pharmaceutical sciences and those fields unique to the pharmaceutical sciences, and who will possess the high-level, comprehensive academic grounding and creativity they need to become drug discovery research scientists and educators.
In FY2007, the new Division of Bioinformatics and Chemical Genomics was established to cater for graduates of life science-related faculties and information science-related faculties. The purpose of establishing this new division is to educate and cultivate human resources who will play leading roles in the next generation of drug discovery from the perspectives of both drug discovery science which forms the foundation of the pharmaceutical sciences, and informatics, which includes genomic information and biomolecular structure.
In FY2012, in addition to the doctoral program of the Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences, a 4-year doctoral program (Division of Biomedical Sciences) was established for graduates of the 6-year program of faculties of pharmaceutical sciences. With this program, based on medical pharmacy, the Division aspires to educate and cultivate human resources who will undertake research in various academic fields of the natural sciences that are the foundation of the pharmaceutical sciences, and in those fields unique to the pharmaceutical sciences, and who will go on to become leading pharmacists, medical pharmacy research scientists and educators in advanced medical care. It will do this through imparting knowledge on clinical pharmacy, which forms the foundation of a pharmacist’s occupational capabilities, instilling professional ethics, and helping students to develop the ability to solve scientific research questions.
Consist of the Graduate School and Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences